5 Do’s for Groomsmen


From all your many letters and email it has come to my attention that many of you groomsmen-to-be really don’t know what to do as a groomsmen.  I, once again, thought I would do you all a favor and put a quick list together in no particular order of things a groomsmen should do at a wedding and reception.  Why do I do this?  It’s simply to spread class and make your friend’s wedding fun and a success.  It’s my duty.  No need to thank me.

1) Always, always, always get out on the floor and dance at the reception.  Anytime there is a lot of dancing at a reception it will be a success.  No dancing equals people sitting around eating cake and wanting to go home.  It’s your job to get out there and shake your tail feather, funky chicken, electric bugaloo….whatever.  It’s your job to make the reception a success since the bride and groom should be out amongst the masses thanking them for coming.   Make it your duty to get butts on the floor. (Possibly wearing a fake mustache available for free at www.thehandsomegent.com.)

2) Make sure you thank both sets of parents of the bride and groom.  Nothing says class more than a good hearty thank you and mentioning what a wonderful time you had since this is their night to shine also.  Make them feel appreciated and that it was a success.  You’ll be remembered.

3) It may sound silly but don’t be afraid to bring an extra pair of black socks to the wedding.  Why you ask? I’ve been in thousands of weddings and it never seems to fail that someone will forget to bring a pair of black socks. For example, it’s obvious the bride’s not so intelligent younger brother, Cameron, can’t walk down the aisle in his tube socks that he wore with his Chuck Taylors because he wanted to be comfortable before the ceremony.  You’ll have the extra pair and the crisis will be averted.  It happens more than you think and you’ll be the hero yet again.

4) Harken back to tip number 1 and remember that once you get the dance floor warmed up, make sure to go ask the older ladies in the crowd to dance with you.  You want the reception to be fun, right?  Nothing makes a blue hair smile more than a dashing gent asking them to dance.  Plus, the dance floor becomes more crowded prompting more folks out on the floor.  And as I said in rule number 1, a busy dance floor makes for a fun reception.

5) Always help carry the gifts out after the reception.  There should be ample gifts brought and I guarantee no one planned for transportation of these gifts back to wherever they will go.  A big strong helping hand will help temper a unplanned minor crisis and speed up the shutting down of the reception.  Just another way for you to look like  a hero.

There you have it groomsmen to be.  Five tips on being not only a classy groomsmen but also a hero in your good friend’s wedding and reception.  Just a few thoughts that I came up with while enjoying my favorite martini out of my martini set available on my award winning website, www.thehandsomegent.com.  

You’re Welcome,

The Handsome Gent